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Rachel Kim - Director Spotlight

Sophie Meinershagen

Ms. Kim has been the associate director of Reedy Orchestra for four years and has influenced the daily lives of so many students. As an exceptionally talented violist, helpful instructor, and friendly face around the orchestra, all students have loved and cherished her.

Her musical career has been seen through a multitude of accomplishments. She received her Master of Education from Columbia University Teachers College and a Master of Music in Viola Performance from Manhattan School of Music, studying under New York Philharmonic violist and professor, Robert Rinehart. She was also the principal violist of the Manhattan School of Music Philharmonic Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra and studied conducting with David Gilbert.

Ms. Kim has worked with members of the Cleveland, American, Biava, and Tokyo String quartets, and performed with Evansville Philharmonic and Bloomington Orchestra. She has performed for many festivals including the Heifetz International Music Festival, the Innsbrook Institute of Music, and Indiana University Summer Festivals. In addition, she has performed at Weill Hall and Stern Auditorium in Carnegie Hall and received additional instructions from masterclasses with Kim Kashkashian, Robert Vernon, Peter Slowik, and David Halen.

She studied with renowned violist Atar Arad and received a Bachelor of Music Performance from Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. When receiving her Bachelor’s degree, Ms. Kim was nominated to obtain a Performer Diploma under the direction of professor Mimi Zweig. Ms. Kim is a recipient of the Manhattan School of Music Scholarship, Indiana University Merit and Faculty scholarship.

Before joining Reedy High School, Ms. Kim taught as the Orchestra Director at Scarsdale Middle School in Westchester County, New York. During her tenure, she has founded and directed Sinfonietta Strings, an advanced string chamber ensemble, adjudicated Westchester All-County Orchestra auditions and has been an active member of the New York State School Music Association.

Recently, she has accepted the position of head Orchestra director for Panther Creek High School, and though she will be greatly missed, Reedy Orchestra is so excited for her and thankful for the years she spent creating the amazing Reedy Orchestra community!

On April 28, she was presented with a video crafted by her students of a choreographed dance to one of her favorite Kpop songs. This is the video that was presented!

To show our gratitude for Ms. Kim's wonderful presence and impact on all Reedy Orchestra students' lives, here are some quotes from people all around Reedy Orchestra about her:

"Mrs. Kim is one of the best people I know and she’s like a second mother to me. no matter what, she puts everything aside to make sure all of her kids are doing okay and cares about every single person in the program. the world needs more people like Mrs. Kim <3"- Ananya Nair

"Ms. Kim is one of the nicest teachers I’ve ever had. She always made orchestra so enjoyable and my freshman year experience wouldn’t be the same without her." - Rowen Poddar

"Ms. Kim is like a mother to our orchestra and she's so caring and sweet to us." - Madeline Biddulph

"Mrs. Kim has always radiated positivity and happiness through her sweet and affectionate personality. I feel so grateful to have had such a great orchestra director to start off my freshman year!" - Prarthana Chelat

"You will never find someone like Mrs. Kim anywhere. She's the sweetest I ever met. No one can replace her." - Sam Yi

"Mrs. Kim is an amazing person, and I’m so thankful I was able to have her as a conductor!! She’s always there for you, and it was great to have a mentor like her in Orchestra. I wish her the best for the coming years!!" - Sahasra Tummala

"Mrs. Kim has always been the sweetest person ever. She’s really understanding and always willing to help out !" - Naomi Brown

"Mrs. Kim has constantly made everyone’s day and has always been cheerful no matter the circumstance. She has also given birth to baby Kim, he who shall unite the orchestra." - Maximo Centeno-An

"Mrs. Kim constantly makes sure to check up on everyone. She makes me feel welcome in Orchestra and she is one of the kindest people I have ever met." - Siri Ganapathineedi

"Mrs. Kim is so caring and will help you no matter what. She makes orchestra so fun and is such a sweet person overall." - Neya Gupta

"Mrs. Kim is always so welcoming and kind! I'm so fortunate to have had her as an orchestra teacher for two years and am so excited for her at Panther Creek!" - Sophie Meinershagen

"Mrs. Kim is one of the best people and directors I have ever met and will ever meet. I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world to have gotten the opportunity to be her student." - Sean Macfee

"Truly revolutionized the Reedy Orchestra, sometimes being more Reedy orchestra than Reedy orchestra is if you know what I mean. I have loved my experiences in orchestra with her. Truly an inspiration." - Jonathan London

"Mrs. Kim is the best (and only other) advocate for viola rights that I have ever come across. And even though she cheers "WOOT WOOT VIOLAS" for us violas, she is also the most caring person for all of her students, making everyone feel welcome no matter where, whom, or what they came from the previous day." - Cristian Yohannes

"The impact Mrs. Kim had on our orchestra is truly incredible. She is so passionate and has done such a great job at creating a welcoming atmosphere. She is so much more than just a teacher, and I am so incredibly lucky to have had her as my director. She will be remembered forever." - Nicholas Newbury

"Mrs. Kim is one of the brightest, most optimistic, and encouraging people I know. I'm so so blessed to have had her as my teacher." - Hannah Song

"We loooooooooooooooooovvvvvveeeeeeeee you^^" - Grace Oh, Michelle Ee, Rachel Kwak

"Mrs. Kim has been a wonderful support system for everyone in Reedy Orchestra and has genuinely helped everyone under her direction. We will always remember her contributions to Reedy Orchestra." - Sindhu Marakkanam

"Mrs. Kim, you are truly one of the best teachers I had and I hope that everything goes well at Panther Creek" - Ian Lee

"Ms. Kim is easily the best listener I've ever met. She's such a kind and compassionate person and I'm extremely lucky to have had her as a director. I truly can't imagine our program without her."- Kamryn Yessian

"I will never know a Reedy Orchestra without Mrs. Kim. She is someone I consider to be my personal hero. You are my inspiration and everything I aspire to be." - Ellie Hikima

"You made high school worth coming to every day." - Zarian Lovelle

"Mrs.Kim, you have always been and always will be the person I have gone to when I am struggling. You and your loving energy always made me believe that everything is going to be ok" - Ila Bhattacharya

"Congratulations, Mrs. Kim! We are going to miss you but we know you are going to change the lives of so many new students in such a positive way! We love you!" -Mr. Lane


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