
From February 9th to 12th, Reedy Orchestra Symphonic senior cellist Jonathan London and sophomore violinist Ananya Nair attended TMEA All-State. Both were previously placed in All-Region Orchestra, qualified for All-State, and now had the opportunity to perform. They participated in a Lou's Pizza tradition and performed with other All-State qualified students. Reedy Orchestra is very proud of both of their tremendous orchestra achievements!
Opera Night

On March 16, many orchestra students watched the Barber of Seville Opera in Downtown Dallas. Reedy orchestra students were accompanied by Independence high school students. They were excused from their fourth period to eat dinner before a long night out watching the opera!
Spirit Nights
Panda Express Spirit Day
On March 23, Reedy orchestra students were encouraged to online order at Panda Express from any location in the US. Students had to use a promo code and could then fundraise for Reedy Orchestra.
Chipotle Spirit Night
On Wednesday, March 30 from 5 PM to 9 PM, students could order online or in-person at Chipotle to support Reedy Orchestra. To fundraise, they had to either mention Reedy Orchestra at the checkout or use a promo code online.
Both spirit nights were great ways for students to be involved in fundraising for Reedy Orchestra as well as enjoy food at great restaurants!

On February 24, Varsity Symphonic Orchestra received Sweepstakes at UIL. They worked hard and committed to many in-class and outside of class practice sessions in preparation for the performance.
The UIL Competition included the performance of three main pieces and a sight-reading. Many Reedy Orchestra students contributed and helped volunteer for the event before and after school. Though the other orchestra's UIL was postponed due to ice storms, on March 24-26th, these orchestras were able to perform.
Four Reedy orchestra groups received straight superior division ratings from every single judge in both the concert and sight-reading aspects of UIL. These orchestras included Symphonic, Philharmonic, Sinfonia, and Camerata. Reedy Orchestra is extremely proud and excited about the orchestras' great achievements!